Do you like your neighbour

The students sit on chairs in a circle with one student standing in the middle of the circle. Instead of chairs, each student could also stand next to a cone/piece of paper to signal their seat. The student in the middle asks a random student from the circle: ‘do you like your neighbour?’ If the student answers ‘yes’ the two students either side of the one who was asked change places. Now it is up to the student in the middle to steal a place from one of the two swapping students. The one who does not get a place has to stand in the middle. The student who is asked could also answer ‘no’ to the question ‘do you like your neighbour?’ Then they continue by saying ‘but I like all the ones with dark hair’. Other answers could include everyone who has got a dog at home, visited Italy or seen a football match live etc. In languages the students could work with letters or names where the student in the middle says ‘everyone who’s name starts with an s’. Another example could be ‘everyone who has got an ‘a’ in their first name’. In foreign languages the students could work with colours where everyone wearing the colour blue would swap places.